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Rock In Prevention Pat McManus

Visit our YouTube channel to see lyric music videos, Rock Digi lesson preview videos, and our newest series, "Music Mondays!" Check out our newest episode of "Music Mondays" below.


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Enjoy daily affirmations, blog posts, updates about Rock Digi, episodes of Music Mondays, and more on our Instagram page! We post daily on stories and post weekly blog posts with helpful tips about social emotional learning, mental health, and current issues educators and students are facing today.


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Follow our twitter account for some positive messages, blog posts, and more!


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Rock In Prevention

Like our Facebook page to stay up to date on what we are up to! See posts with positive affirmations, links to our blog posts, lyric music videos, and more!


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Rock In Prevention, Inc.

Follow our LinkedIn page to learn more about the business and learn about our mission to help students accomplish their goals and be their authentic selves!


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Follow us on Pinterest for some positive messages, daily affirmations, blog posts about education, social emotional learning, and mental health!